Click here for the FULL ISSUE of Zeramim III:1.
Click below for specific sections of Zeramim III:1:
0. Letter from the Editors
1. "Love as Strong as Death: Eros and Thanatos in the Sinai Theophany" - Rachel Adelman
2. "Partilineal Descent & the Shaping of Intermarriage Discourse in American Judaism" - Zev Eleff
3. "Jewish Process Theology and the Problem of Evil: The Cases of Hans Jonas and Bradley Shavit Artson" - Bar Guzi
4."Overlapping Magesteria: What Science and Religion Have In Common" - Michael Wasserman
5."A Biblical Challenge: Can an Academic Approach Aimed at 'Best Explanation' of the Biblical Text Be Imported Into the Synagogue-Sermon World of ‘Interpretation?' - Richard L. Claman
+. Call for Papers on Biblical Scholarship as a Modern Jewish Hermeneutic - The Editors