Click HERE for a full .PDF of Zeramim Volume II: Issue 1. Click the links below for specific sections of Zeramim II:1: 0. Front Matter - The Editors 1. "The Convert as Newborn" - Martin S. Cohen 2. "Why Did R. Naḥman Permit Yalta To Be Transported On a Palanquin On a Festival? A New Reading of Bavli Beṣah 25b" - Judith Hauptman 3. "A League of Their Own: The Untold Story of the Women's League for Conservative Judaism" - Raysh Weiss 4. "Identity and Embodied Practice: Gender and Jewish Ritual Objects" - Talia Kaplan 5. "Tzitz, Tzitzit and the Budding Plant" - Dina R. Shargel 6. "A Snag in the Tradition of Checking Knives" - Yonah Lavery-Yisraeli 7. "The Faithful Modernist and the Synthesis Between Tradition and Modernity" - Jack Shechter 7.5. Midrash Zeramim Introductory Matter - The Editors 8. "So and So: A Philosophical Pas de Deux in Three Rounds" - Yavni Bar-Yam +. Back Matter - The Editors